Thursday, November 6, 2014

Blood Drive at Blessed Sacrament School on Sat, Nov 8, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

 My son Josh's good friend, Curry Buscher, is working on his Eagle Scout project. 
Curry is trying to get folks to show up and give blood this Saturday at Blessed Sacrament School Cafeteria from 9-2.  I'm heading there myself.  Hope to see you there too!

Here are the details:

I am looking to achieve the Eagle Scout Rank in my scout troop, but in
order to do so, I must organize a service project that benefits the
community. I have decided to set up a blood drive with the Central
Illinois Community Blood Center to be held at Blessed Sacrament School's
cafeteria, on Saturday, November 8th, from 9am-2pm.

To have a successful drive, I would like at least 60 people to show up
and attempt to give blood. I would prefer to have at least half of that
in committed donors that I can count on to show up Saturday morning.
Would you, or anyone you know, be willing to make a commitment to help
me have a successful eagle scout project with a donor turnout that I can
be proud of?

Please respond to

Most Sincerely,
Curry Buscher
Life Scout