Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Why Are School Auctions Important?

Score a Touchdown with Blessed Sacrament 2014!

Most every year, Donna & I attend the Blessed Sacrament Auction.

This auction helps to fund a lot of educational needs of our students at Blessed Sacrament.  All of our kids have attended this great school at one time or another, and the School and Parish have worked hard to keep tuition and fees low.  So the Annual Auction is one way to make this school more affordable, or to continue to offer educational choices (e.g. new technology, air-conditioning, etc.) that our kids and teachers need to be successful in the classroom.

 Again, most years we donate something to the auction.  One year, we offered berry picking at our cabin.  Another year, and this year, Donna made a chocolate Eiffel Tower for the kids auction (sorry, I ate the picture!).

 So this year, as a bee keeper, I donated 2 quarts of honey, 1.5 pounds of comb honey, 1 pound +/- of bees wax, 8 tablespoons of pollen, and a quart of honey beer (donated by our friend Sean).

This is good honey!  And  the basket of goods has a lot of my time and effort put into it. But if you bought it at the Farmer's market, it would probably cost you about $100.

I'm excited to see what it will bring, who will buy it, and will be happy to explain to the buyer, the exciting world of bees (how long do you have?)!

Supporting our schools, both public and private, is a community event.  We can do this in so many ways via our time, talent and treasure....even through a simple donation to an event like the BSS Auction.

We look forward to a fun evening this Saturday.  Hope to see you there!

Until next time, that's my view from Sangamon County.

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